Issue 21, fake news
Journalism isn't always what it seems these days, is it? From clickbait headlines to completely fabricated stories, unscrupulous journalism is everywhere, blurring the line between fact and fiction. But here’s an interesting thought: creativity actually plays a huge role in both the good and the bad of modern media. There's a fine line between telling the truth and spinning a story. That's our theme for this week.

"If someone calls me up and says their toaster is talking to them, I don’t refer them to professional help, I say, ‘Put the toaster on the phone.’"
Sal Ivone, Weekly World News editor
Paul Kupperberg, former executive editor of Weekly World News, shares his favorite outlandish stories from the legendary black-and-white supermarket tabloid known for its jaw-dropping headlines about Bat Boy, Bigfoot, and Elvis sightings. With a focus on blending bizarre fiction with just enough truth to make you pause, Kupperberg explains how the News’ editorial strategy was to make the unbelievable seem, for a split second, totally plausible. Take a look for a dose of outrageous creativity mixed with humor and satire.

"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance."
George Bernard Shaw, writer
Ever been duped by a flashy nonfiction bestseller at the airport? If Books Could Kill is here to expose how some well-known and celebrated books warp reality with bad science, half-baked theories, and sensationalism disguised as fact. If you love a mix of critical analysis, sarcasm, and wit — this podcast is the perfect antidote to pop nonfiction gone rogue.

"There are no facts, only interpretations."
Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher
Wanna see your name in lights — or, at least in a breaking news headline? Break Your Own News is a fun and easy-to-use tool where you can create your very own fake news banner, complete with a custom headline. "Local Man Eats 47 Tacos in a Single Sitting", "Breaking: Woman Finishes Netflix Series in Record 24-Hour Binge"... what will your headline be?

Alter. Unscrupulous journalist
How far will you go for a headline? Unleash your inner rogue reporter and write a sensational news article designed to shock and captivate.