
Issue 9, connection and collaboration

On this day in 1966, John Lennon declared The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Whether you agree or not, it’s undeniable that music has the power to shape cultures and bring people together. Today, we're celebrating the theme of connection and collaboration—how music, both in our minds and on our playlists, creates connections that transcend generations.

"Music communicates to us emotionally through systematic violations of expectations."

Daniel Levitin, neuroscientist and author

Why do certain songs give you goosebumps, and others make you want to dance? How is it that you can recognise some songs from the first note? The science behind how music impacts our brains is nothing short of fascinating. Check out this quick dive into how our brains respond to music. You’ll never listen to your favorite tunes the same way again.

"Music is the way our memories sing to us across time."

Lance Morrow, essayist

Ever wondered if you're a product of your generation or your if your tastes are more in line with your parents'? 'How Music is Remembered', an interactive challenge by The Pudding, lets you explore the music that defined different eras, identify generational gaps and appreciate the diverse influences that shape our collective musical memory.

"Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days."

Doug Larson, journalist

Need a soundtrack for the end of summer? Retro-inspired online radio station Poolsuite FM is the ultra-summer music player transporting you to a virtual vacation where the sun never sets.

Alter. Assemble a supergroup

Get ready to channel your inner talent scout as you assemble the ultimate supergroup—a band that transcends musical boundaries and captures the essence of creative collaboration.

