
Issue 13, collective creativity

Creativity loves company. Think about it—some of the best things in life are better shared. Like splitting a dessert at your favorite restaurant or inside jokes with old friends. It's the same with creating... sharing the experience can turn a good idea into something great and far more impactful. This week we're celebrating the magic of collective creativity by sharing some of our favorite crowdsourced projects.

"Each submission is a unique piece of art unto itself, ranging in style from from photo-realistic, to abstract, to interpretation, and more."


Imagine your art becoming part of a legendary music video. That's what fans and artists achieved with The Johnny Cash Project, a complete crowdsourced animated video made in collaboration with director Chris Milk, Aaron Koblin, Rick Rubin, and the Johnny Cash Estate. Each frame, created by a different person, blends into a visual that’s never quite the same twice. Experience this ever-evolving tribute here.

"Our built environment can offer profound moments of communion and kinship."

Candy Chang, artist

What started as an experiment on an abandoned house in New Orleans has grown into a global art project sharing aspirations of communities. 'Before I Die' invites people to publicly share their dreams, turning a simple wall into a shared space of human hopes. There have been 5,000 walls created in over 75 countries and over 35 languages. Discover walls from Tokyo to Tehran here, and maybe even get inspired to chalk up your own.

"Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection."

Brene Brown, author

Think about your deepest, darkest secret. Then imagine it pasted all over the internet for everyone to see. That's the idea behind PostSecret. It’s anonymous, it's cathartic, and sometimes it’s laugh-out-loud funny. See how a simple postcard can connect strangers across continents in the most human way possible.

Alter. Moroccan tiles

Collaboratively design and arrange intricate patterns to create a collective mosaic that celebrates the harmony and balance of teamwork.

