Drawing faces
Grab a pen and paper before you start and get ready to put the outside world on pause for the next 17 minutes.

Drawing faces
0:00 - 1:00 why we think with our hands
1:00 - 2:00 flow: draw sixteen boxes with a square in the middle of each one
2:00 - 3:20 drawing our first character
3:20 - 5:20 flow: choose a character trait for each face and write it underneath the box
5:20 - 6:10 interpreting character traits
6:10 - 16:10 flow: draw your characters. Turn each of your boxes into a character by adding eyes, a mouth, ears, arms, legs, and at least one accessory. Try to match each box to the character trait you wrote beneath it.
16:10 - 16:40 conclusions